You know, the ones where you have to sit down on the couch and watch singing and/or dancing? I have three "performers" in my home. My hubby is one, and he is a very talented musician. He works a day job, but his passion is singing and songwriting. You can see him here and here. (If you do not own his music, you should totally buy it. It is amazing. Available on his site, or on itunes. [Search for: "Drew Bray"] It will brighten your day.)
The other two performers in my home are Logan and Callen. And, while they both pour their hearts into their "performances", it seems to me that maybe one of them got more of papa's music gene. I will let you be the judge of this one...
Here is Logan doing a show for me (just freestyling some sort of melody, please take note of all the dramatic "flair")...
And here is Callen doing his "show":
It is something only a mother could love. Got any shows on your blogs or you tube that you can share with me?