Monday, May 31, 2010

Watercolor Therapy

I saw a fabulous craft post over at whatever, and had to try it out with my kids (Meg @ whatever got the idea from Pink & Green Mama). I ended up getting them set up to paint while I made dinner and it worked out so well. They were in watercolor heaven. I had a little George Winston Pandora love going on - the mellowness settled in like a cloud.

The goal is to help kids create some Georgia O'Keefe inspired flowers.

We visited this site to check out her works of art. My kids preferred gazing at the flowers the children painted on whatever and Pink & Green Mama's sites. Must be the happy rainbow colors.

I drew some flowers for my son with a sharpie on white cardstock, and then my daughter drew her own. He finished his flowers much quicker than she did, so he started on a painting of a "happy tree". But, the happy tree needed to be bald. Oh how I wish I could freeze his 4 year old little self right now.

They started to paint. - We talked about painting the petals, the middle, and the background all different colors so that it "pops". They loved it. It was seriously calming.

Logan's masterpiece

Callen's masterpiece (Mama helped with the background)

Go paint something.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

following the leader

Callen, you are such a wonderful big helper. Lately, you love helping me unload the silverware from the dishwasher. You hear the plates start clinking and you come running - "I wanna help!"

You give commentary the entire time ... big spoon ... little spoon ... little fork ... mama, A KNIFE (I think you relish getting to handle knives in these moments) ... big forks ...

You made my morning when you said, "Mama, look - these tea spoons are playing follow the leader."

Yes, son, they are.

Monday, May 24, 2010

I'll raise your pretty, and give you fabulous

A few days ago, I posted my pretty Trader Joe's sparkling lemonade bottle vases. These bottles are just too pretty to throw away, don't you think.

As I was looking at the vases, I started thinking that they would be fun to decorate with a little scrapbooking paper and mod podge.

Here is the fabulous result ...

It was an incredibly simple project. These would be ideal hostess gifts (take one to the host with a pretty flower inside, or use twigs like I did). I think these would also be adorable as decoration for a party.

I took some shipping tags from Office Depot and added a few of my favorite bible verses right now to them and tied the tags to the twigs for a little added flair. You could customize the tags in so many ways - for a birthday celebration, a baby shower, a wedding shower, etc.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

the upside to wetting the bed

Pillow Hill.

Because, yeah, it is a pain to strip the sheets and re-make the bed. But, that face - it kind of melts my heart.

Lambie needed to see the view from the top of the hill.

I sure would not trade these moments for all the crisp, clean, made beds in the world.

Friday, May 21, 2010


this makes me happy

I used old salt shakers and bottles for flower arrangements at our wedding. I've been collecting them ever since.

These French Market Sparkling Lemonade bottles from Trader Joe's are just too pretty to throw away. So, we enjoy the tasty beverage (I like to add a splash of it to my water), and then save the bottles to re-use as vases.

That painting in the background is one of the things I would grab if ever there was a fire. It is by the ever so talented Andrea Luna Reece.



Nesting Eye Candy

Feast your eyes on all this amazing "nesting" goodness ...

I want to wash dishes in this kitchen. It is the creation of Kara Paslay, and her blog is filled with Do It Yourself ideas and inspiration. Like this. And this. If you look really closely at the kitchen knobs, you will see that they are all different. She needed to do the design on a budget and chose to get her knobs at the Habitat for Humanity store...the result is an eclectic mix of funky knobs that so work for me.

I cannot even begin to describe in words what these pictures makes me feel. This kitchen is the perfect balance of funky with a fresh, clean look. I want to have a long meal at that table, and I want to bake cookies in that kitchen. It is Ashley Anne's kitchen, and her blog is Under the Sycamore Tree. It is one of my daily clicks and I always have a little more spring in my step after visiting. I live where there is very little land, so our houses are stacked on top of each other. I absolutely live vicariously through her family and their romping around the yard. She is an amazing photographer and shares tips with her readers, which is very kind of her I think.

Yeah, I know - it is prettier than most of our master bedrooms. Love it!

And, for some more photo inspiration, you have to visit Meg Duerksen's blog Whatever. If you ever wanted an old house that you get to restore and tweak into your own amazing space, this is the blog for you. She is an incredible photographer as well, so her photos are amazing and inspiring in the same way that walking through Anthropologie is. Scroll through photos of her home here. But, be forewarned. It will make you want to paint, go flea marketing, hit the garage sales, and you will feel compelled to bake cake. Trust me, you will.

This is one of my favorites.

Happy clicking.

Monday, May 17, 2010

introducing justice

How lovely to think that no one need wait a moment, we can start now, start slowly changing the world! How lovely that everyone, great and small, can make their contribution toward introducing justice straightaway... And you can always, always give something, even if it is only kindness!
Anne Frank


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